Thomas1Edward2Henry3 Wiki

Spencer is the private engine of the Duke and Duchess of Boxford.  


Spencer was built sometime between 1935 and 1938 in Doncaster and worked on the LNER. Sometime before 2003, he became the Duke and Duchess of Boxford's private engine.   He is a usual visitor for Sodor and comes frequently. In 2003 he ran out of water on Gordon’s hill and had to be pulled to the station by Gordon. In 2014 he almost hit George at the crossing after he did so when it was not time to cross he then told Edward when they were arguing about George.

Trainz Models

Spencer's model from NWR Origins Epside IV onwards is the 2012 model from SI3D. Previously, Spencer's model used in the episodes was from the website Sodor Workshops 3D. It was extracted from the Wii Hiro of the Rails game. Unfortunately, the model has been removed from the website, although there is another model of Spencer on it which is a simple reskin of the Trainz default Mallard engine. 


Spencer is an LNER A4 class, which were built from 1935 to 1938. However, his smokebox and face are less angled to fit the eye mechanism. This was carried out into the CGI series. 


Spencer is very arrogant and stuck up because of his record speed. He is also cunning and devious at times. However, he doesn't truly mean harm and can sometimes be helpful. He also speaks with a British accent. 

TEOS Appearances

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5


He made a cameo appearance in a deleted shot from How the Diesel Stole Christmas.

NWR Origins Appearances

Voice Actors

Television Appearances


Spencer was introduced in the seventh season episode Gordon and Spencer. He then appeared in Seasons 8, 10, 11, and 13-21. He is voiced by Matt Wilkinson in the UK and Glenn Wrage in the US.  


  • Spencer is very similar to Crovan, being an arrogant private engine of important people. This similarity may was addressed in the special The Most Famous Engine, in which Spencer and Crovan have a rivalry with each other.  
  • Spencer is Thomas1Edward2Henry3's favorite Non-Awdry character.  
  • DarthWill3's Spencer voice is an imitation of actor Tim Curry. 
  • Spencer was the second largest engine in the classic series, behind Murdoch. Now, he is outsized by Caitlin, Connor, and Hank (assuming he is still on the railway). Hiro is a foreign engine so he does not count.  